The Boonton Kiwanis First Aid Squad was started in 1938 and served the Town of Boonton, Boonton Township and the Borough of Mountain Lakes. At the start of 2019, Boonton Township elected to use Saint Clare's Ambulance as their primary Ambulance Service provider. We are quartered within the Town of Boonton, located directly across from the Boonton Police Department and Town Hall.
Boonton Kiwanis answered over 800 calls last year. These calls range from medical emergencies all the way up to assisting with rehab of our fireman during structure fires.The Boonton Kiwanis First Aid Squad also assists other nearby towns with EMS coverage when called upon. Over the years we have responded to many requests and have sent crews to many incidents such as the September 11th World Trade Center attacks, NYC Blackout and the Bound Brook Floods.
Our call volume consists of medical calls, motor vehicle crashes and structure fires. We are also available to provide stand-by coverage at local football games, races, parades and carnivals.
Our members volunteer much of their time and are all Basic Life Support. Most of our members consist of EMTs Certified by the NJ Dept of Health or the National Registry.These EMTs must do a large amount of training to stay certified as EMTs.
Boonton Kiwanis First Aid Squad is 100% Volunteer and we DO NOT charge anyone for our services and are able to offset the cost of our operations because of the donations we receive.
The care we provide on a daily basis is life-saving and we cannot do it without you. If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a volunteer EMS provider, click here to fill out an application. Many of our past members have gone on to become doctor's, nurses, career EMT's, Police Officers, Fire Fighters, etc. This is a great way to gain experience for your dream career and make a difference in people's lives.